The Riza Magazine

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Pink Tropical Smoothie Recipe

I typically come up with my own smoothies only to use up spinach or other soon-to-wilt veggies or fruits. So to be sharing a smoothie recipe with you is quite unexpected because smoothies of my own making aren’t typically pretty or delicious. Yeah, they’re never both. Either I down a green grey smoothie that’s delicious or a smoothie that’s pleasing to the eye, but not pleasing for the taste buds (I’m pointing fingers are you spirulina!). So I’m really excited to share this smoothie recipe that’s actually good and pretty and of my own creation but also because this is the first post in which I’m incorporating food illustration!

I’ve stuck too close to doing portraits and fashion, a specialization that has began to feel too safe. So I’m branching out because I love love illustration and I’ve wanted for so long to get out of the realms of fashion, but new territory is terrifying. So I feel that it is fate that this beautiful yummy pink smoothie came to fruition because I ended up being inspired to draw my smoothie which resulted in me making art work from it! Yes, that means I have a new piece that will be in my shop very soon! I hope this yummy pinkness brightens your day!

Last note! I’m an artist, not a nutritionist so I can’t vouch for how healthy this smoothie is. I assume it is just based off of what other nutritionist say about the following ingredients. But because I’m an artist I can vouch for how pretty this smoothie is and sometimes it just nice to have pretty things in your life and in this case to eat something pretty regardless of the health factors. So seriously enjoy this and then enjoy a pink cupcake! Cause those are pretty too!

1 Can (11 oz) of Coconut Water - I used Walmart’s Organic Great Value Coconut Water

A Handful of Spinach - the more spinach you add, the pink of your smoothie will get muted because green and pink are complementary colors and complementary colors eventually make brown. So if you want that vibrant pink be aware of how much green you add in.

½ cup of frozen Kiwi - as part of my meal prep for the week, I’ll buy a 2 lb box of kiwis, peel and cut them up into halved slices, place them on a parchment lined baking sheet, freeze them and then once frozen, I place them in a Stasher bag.

Half a Banana

½ cup of Pink Dragon Fruit - I use Target’s Good and Gather Dragon Fruit Chunks

3 tbs hemp seeds


Place all ingredients in a blender in the order listed and then blend.

I have added a half a cup of almond yogurt. It changes the consistency of the smoothie just a bit. The smoothie will also be less sweet so  just add a bit more kiwi.

Sometimes I’ll sub mango for the kiwi or I’ll do a mix of frozen kiwi and mango.