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Shameless Ice Cream-aholic

There’s this scene from Netflix’s Working Moms where Anne goes to her freezer to get ice cream for a snack only to find that her stash of frozen creamy sweetness is all gone. “What the hell? Where’s my ice cream?” Her newly hired nanny got rid of it. All of it. “I threw it out. You told me earlier you’d like to make some changes around here.” Anne is pissed. She tries to guilt the new nanny, “People are starving...all over the world.” Sorry Anne, that only work with immigrant parents and their children. New nanny is woke, “I personally think the whole world would be better without things like ice cream…it’s basically poison.” What the woke nanny should have done was replace said poison ice cream for healthy ice cream. But Sunscoop wasn’t around in 2017 and even if it was, it wouldn’t have made for a funny scene. Who doesn’t get upset when their number one sweet snack is taken from them?

Ice cream is my go to snack. My fridge is always stocked. Unfortunately, dairy is not kind too me and I suffer through the weight gain and the acne. But fortunately, it is 2022 and the brilliant Carli Blum, founder of Sunscoop, solved that problem for me and for you — vegan ice cream with health benefits. Now I can indulge my ice cream craving while feeding my body with super nutrients. I’m a believer that good food should be good to you. And as a creative and momma, I’m doing all the things and I need food to help me out, not drag me down. Thanks to Mari at, she connected me with Sunscoop. I got the Adaptogenic 6-pack which includes Wild Blueberry Crumble, Supernatural Strawberry, Mmmint Chip!, Coldbrew Swirl, Cookie Whoa!, and The Best Chocolate Ever. You’re wondering what are adaptogens? Let me save you a Google search. The Cleavland Clinic explains adaptogens to be plants and mushrooms that help your body respond to stress, anxiety, fatigue and overall wellbeing. Good food — ice cream. Good food being good to you — ice cream with adaptogens. Win win!

Scroll down to read my take on the six flavors.

Wild Blueberry Crumble: Antioxidant-rich wild blueberries in a whirl of cinnamon granola butter

I may have eaten half the pint while filming my Reel. This is essentially what I have for breakfast every morning. Oatmeal with blueberries, cinnamon, and some kind of nut or seed. So, that means I can have ice cream for breakfast now! This is seriously so yummy and smooth. It’s easy to get lost in it. Get it? ‘Cause I unknowingly ate half the pint.

Supernatural Strawberry: Strawberry maca coconut cream with bursts of juicy berry jam

I was really excited to see this flavor combination. I make a smoothie with strawberry, maca, and coconut milk for an afternoon energy pick-me-up and for hormone balance. Sunscoop is making my life easier! I no longer need to blend up this smoothie. Just head to my fridge, pop the lid off, and grab a spoon. It’s also so much yummier than my smoothie because this has raspberries! It’s yummy. It’s pretty (thanks to the legit color from the berries and beet root). It’s a win!

The Best Chocolate Ever: Deep dark fudgy chocolate supercharged with reishi

My ever vegan-skeptic husband liked this ice cream. He made that “Oh, I’m impressed” expression after a bite. I wowed after my first bite. That coconut flavor! Jordan'’s not able to stomach mushrooms which bums him out because he knows he’s missing out on their benefits. Now, he can get them in this ice cream that has red reishi mushrooms which enhances the immune system, reduces stress, improves sleep, and helps with fatigue. We both struggle with all the above so this will be a regular stock in our freezer.

Cold Brew Swirl: Creamy coffee swirled with fudgy chocolate, chaga, and oat chocolate nibs

I love cold brew, but I get the jitters bad. Thank goodness for this ice cream that gives me the flavor I crave, plus the wonderful crunch of the cocoa nibs and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits from the chaga mushrooms.

Cookie Whoa!: Crazy creamy vanilla bean ice cream with superfood cookie dough made by TOTO

Cookie Whoa! is a new Sunscoop flavor. I’m a big fan of Cookies ‘n Cream, and this version hits the spot, but better because of the cookie dough (texture amazing!) and the big chocolate chip pieces. I’m obsessed and I need to snack on this now. Excuse me while I run to my freezer. Also, this vanilla. It’s goooood. It is a good vanilla.

Mmmint Chip!: The best mint chip on this planet with magical moringa

I love Mint Chip ice cream solely because of the color. Green is my fav. This has a beautiful green thanks for green and blue spiralina, spinach, and moringa. Moringa or malunggay trees are found aplenty in the Philippines. Inay would give it to me as a tea whenever she had something to say about my skin. Just throwing shade at Pinay moms. I also cook with the leaves in my favorite Filipino dish, munggo — mung beans braised in coconut milk. So I’m very familiar with these ingredients and it’s thrilling to see it in an ice cream! My skin gonna be glowing now, Inay!

Thank you Sunscoop and Isetta.Co for sponsoring this post. Head over to Sunscoop to order yours or find a stockist near you.