The Riza Magazine

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Styling It with Camille Co

For my next “let’s reminisce about street style from Fall/Winter 2020 NYFW,” I interviewed Camille Co, Chinese-Filipino fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and travel vlogger! If you couldn’t tell already, I love sharing “how we met” stories, so here’s how I met Camille! 

I had just packed up my camera and left Spring Studios and was making my way back to the Canal St. Station. As I was walking down Beach St. I saw Camille walking on the opposite side of the street in the most beautiful pink dress and blue coat that I knew I HAD to illustrate. She was obviously heading to Spring Studios and from what I could tell, in quite a hurry. Well, everyone is in a hurry. It’s fashion week! For a moment I thought it was ridiculous to try to get her photo because it would require me to stash my partly eaten RXBar (a precursor to a very late lunch), vigorously lick my teeth of sticky protein bar bits, dig out my camera from the bottom of my backpack, look for oncoming traffic on Beach Street which can be hectic, run across said busy street, and then stop her to get her photo, but without coming off like a psycho.

But then artistic commitment took over, so I quickly stashed my partly eaten RXBar (a precursor to a very late lunch), vigorously licked my teeth of sticky protein bar bits, failed to dig out my camera from the bottom of my backpack, looked for oncoming traffic on Beach Street, ran across said street, which happened to take a break from being busy just long enough for me to get across, thereby executing my flash of a plan perfectly, (except, I suppose, for the part about not seeming like a psycho)!

When I finally stopped her dead in her tracks, I apologized while checking my teeth, asked if I could take her photo, took her photo with my iPhone, told her I was a fashion illustrator (so she wouldn’t think I was a psycho) and then got her Instagram handle. I would later get a DM from Camille; she was excited to learn that I was Filipino! You guys, when Filipinos meet, it’s a big deal! It was so fun to illustrate her looks and I’m so grateful we were able to reconnect so that she could share her styling tips with you all today!

1. How would you describe your style?

I'd say my style is pretty versatile. I don't have a specific look that I gear towards. I like having fun with fashion so one day I can be totally minimalist and the next, loud and proud. I view fashion as a form of self-expression really. And I feel I've got so many different sides to me that I can't just stick to one style. I guess I just always make sure whatever style I'm rocking it, it has to look put-together.

2. What advice do you have about finding your personal style?

My advice is don't take it too seriously. Experiment! Mix and match! The only way for you to truly find your style is to go out there and try. Try and try until you find what makes you feel the most beautiful and confident. Your style is supposed to grow with you. You don't have to figure it all out in one go. Enjoy the process!

Follow Camille on Youtube and on Instagram for more style inspiration!