The Riza | An online magazine on art, fashion, and culture | Founded by artist and illustrator  Victoria-Riza

The Riza is a Blog on Creativity and culture.

Founded in 2020 by artist and fashion illustrator, Victoria-Riza, who throughout her illustrating career had more to say about the pretty clothes walking down the runway. Her experience as a Filipina-American and immigrant raised in the American south peeked her curiosity in wanting to understand the complexities of the creatives behind the art, fashion, food, and entertainment that we consume. This blog was created to explore the theme of identity and to welcome the celebration of culture within various creative industries and disciplines.

The Riza Magazine empowers multi-passionate creatives through art, story, community and dialogue. 

The Riza is a place where vulnerability is accepted, growth is essential, and connection is a necessity. Come join the conversation!

Learn more about the artist and illustrator at

The Riza is proud to be part of Great Jones, Gigi Pip, and Bandit Bandanas affiliate programs. When you shop our affiliate links, not only are you supporting a Filipina and immigrant owned blog, but you allow The Riza to support local and national organizations that help marginalized communities. Thank you for your support!