
Fall & Evergreen FAshion

Farmer's Market Haul

This morning, after doing yoga, the kids and I headed over to the farmer’s market. We’ve been waiting for good weather to grab some peaches and after three thwarted attempts, we woke up to sunshine and immediately headed out the door lest we miss the opportunity due to another swift summer storm.

Spring 2021 Editor’s Note
Editor’s Note Victoria-Riza Editor’s Note Victoria-Riza

Spring 2021 Editor’s Note

By Spring’s arrival, I thought I had arrived at a place of peace and acceptance. I found myself astounded with great news that would take my art to the next level. Then almost immediately, I was gutted by the shooting of six Asian-American women. I had growth one second and then I was cut down the next.

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Winter 2021 Editor's Note
Editor’s Note Victoria-Riza Editor’s Note Victoria-Riza

Winter 2021 Editor's Note

This quarter, I’ll be sharing with you the ways I’m caring for myself as I hunker down for the rest of this bleak season, from simple acts of creating coziness, to taking charge of my mental health. Here’s to a new year where we, in our own way, continue to stride forward.

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