October Comes to a Close

I can’t believe we’re approaching the end of October. How are you doing? As an illustrator and mom, my anxiety peaks at about this time of year. I’m juggling holiday prep, anxious to get ahead of the shopping, and I’m mentally preparing for last minute holiday commissions. I get them every Christmas. Shameless plug-in, if you want custom portraits for holiday gifts, reach out to me here. Today I officially finished gift shopping for the kids. I think. There is the worry that if you finish shopping early, you’ll end up spending more as the holiday approaches. I'm motivated to be done shopping by the dreadful memory of last year when I was still shopping two weeks before Christmas. I overheard two separate conversations while shopping where customers complained about how expensive this toy and that toy was. Then I sat in traffic while trying to get out of the shopping complex where people were spending money they didn’t have. I snapped. I grabbed the wheel and screamed as I watched cars who tried to run red lights get jammed between oncoming traffic, “This is not how we celebrate Jesus!”  I’m jaded about the holidays. It’s created a real dilemma in my household. I have a very enthusiastic kid who has been telling me what he wants for Christmas since the Fourth of July. I both want an eternal break from holiday expectations and to experience the magic of Christmas. But I stand in the toy aisle holding a noise-making stuffed Pandy Paws and I contemplate how long this will last and if I can convince my kid to take extra care of it so when they’re done with it, I can resell it to some up and coming Gabby Dollhouse fan. I can’t help but see this stuffed Pandy ending up in a landfill. Yet, I bought it. With much existential dread. 

I did buy Taylor Swift’s Midnights vinyl (the lavender one if you must know) without hesitation. It’s because I know I’ll want it forever and I pinky promise this platistic product won’t end up in the landfill. Anyone else see NPR’s report on our plastic problem

Other going-ons are trips to the pumpkin patch (we made it three times this month – wow!), Jack o’Lantern festivals, shopping at the Farmer’s Market as much as possible before they close for the season, and watching Abbott Elementary. We end October with one Trunk or Treat (we got several invites, but we’re only doing one!) and then Trick or Treating on Halloween.

I’m doing my best to enjoy what the cold (it’s finally getting cold) season has to offer and while taking it easy. And I did that today by taking a slow walk through the park and picking up leaves with my little one. A seasonal activity that doesn’t cause existential dread.


Victoria-Riza is a illustrator and artist, and blogs on The Riza Magazine


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