Fall & Evergreen FAshion
Farmer's Market Haul
This morning, after doing yoga, the kids and I headed over to the farmer’s market. We’ve been waiting for good weather to grab some peaches and after three thwarted attempts, we woke up to sunshine and immediately headed out the door lest we miss the opportunity due to another swift summer storm.

Fall & Evergreen Fashion
The cold is here and just in time for Halloween. Its arrival is a bit of a disappointment, but it has been a good Halloween season. I’m excited to bring out my sweaters from storage and mix them with my spring summer clothes.

Farmer’s Market Haul
With it being August, the farmer’s market is in full bloom with tomatoes and peaches and bouquets of flowers and full attendance at eight-thirty. My grocery list consisted only of peaches, the seasonal fruit we’ve been longing for, and potatoes and carrots to replenish the veggies in my Japanese Curry I made last night.

Time for New Glasses
It’s time for new frames! I’ve admired Jenna Lyon’s glasses style for so long now and her style was my aim when I did Warby Parker’s try-home service.

And The School Year Wraps Up
This was the first normal-feeling school year since the pandemic. We stopped wearing masks, I volunteered more at my kid’s school, and summer camps have been added to my schedule. I’m finally experiencing the normalcy of parenting elementary-age kids.

Risk Being Seen
I’ve been scared to wear this shirt lately. When I first bought this Phenomenally Asian shirt, I was proud. I wanted to stand in solidarity with a community that I had felt distanced and sometimes excluded from. But now that I’m being heard when there are those who would do a Filipino harm for being Asian.

Creativity and Motherhood My Way
I’ve been thinking a lot about motherhood, mental health, and being Asian-American and how those things affect my creativity. What started out with wondering if I could be a mom and an artist turned into a decade long journey of discovering what my creative blocks are and finding ways to overcome them.

A Curly Hair Journey Update
When I got my first shag hair cut, I really wanted to better understand my curls. That not only included how to care for them and style them, but as a Filipina I wanted to know where my curls came from and how to love my curls.