Fall & Evergreen FAshion
Farmer's Market Haul
This morning, after doing yoga, the kids and I headed over to the farmer’s market. We’ve been waiting for good weather to grab some peaches and after three thwarted attempts, we woke up to sunshine and immediately headed out the door lest we miss the opportunity due to another swift summer storm.
Creativity and Motherhood My Way
I’ve been thinking a lot about motherhood, mental health, and being Asian-American and how those things affect my creativity. What started out with wondering if I could be a mom and an artist turned into a decade long journey of discovering what my creative blocks are and finding ways to overcome them.
Take A Break
Being creative requires a lot of physical and mental energy. I didn’t want to listen to the call that I needed to rest. I had a moments of annoyance and shame for resting. Read more on the importance of taking breaks and see my rainy week outfit.
Favorite Scenes from Spencer
It’s the time of year when all the highly anticipated movies of the year are released! Just in time to recoup from all the holiday celebrations. I talk about the Spencer movie, being prepared for inspiration, and the importance of refilling your creative well.
Summer 2021 Editor’s Note
We’ve been in our little mountain retreat since May and we came here with the intent to find peace after the chaos of last year. The desire to have a joyful Summer and to find the long sought-after peace and healing felt like a big to-do. I may have changed my scenery, but I hadn’t changed my mindset.