Color Choices, Coffee, & Books

Today's Friday Ramblings include color choices, a break down of this outfit, coffee, &  new reads on The Riza Magazine.

It’s time for Friday Ramblings and a breakdown of this here outfit.

  1. The number one question from my kids this week is, “Mom, what’s your favorite color?” They are never satisfied with my response, that I love all the colors. I’m an artist, how can I pick a favorite? So I appease them with my go-to colors – green, purple, and pink. However, after the twentieth ask, I was surprised to respond with the color orange. And that’s my round about way of bringing these orange plaid trousers into this conversation. I am obsessed with them because I love trousers, but I especially love that I found an orange piece of clothing that I like! I paired it with a black mock neck tee, a black belt, white western boots from Everlane, a Sweet Baby Jaime yellow knit half zip sweater, and a felt hat (caramel or forest green, what’s your pick?).

  2. I came upon a sad conclusion this week. I have to quit coffee. A couple of years ago I had to come to terms that cold brew, oh so delicious cold brew (Starbucks cold brew with that sweet coconut cream foam was my jam!), made me anxious. Now I have discovered that regular ole coffee ain’t good for my creativity. I’m one of the unlucky ones that get drained by coffee instead of energized by it. So I must bid adieu and get back to my tea drinking habit.

  3. What tea am I into you ask? I’ve been missing Earl Gray, Peppermint, and Tumeric. So as sad as I am to give up coffee, I am excited to get back to Golden Lattes. 

  4. In having kids, I somehow forgot that public libraries can be fun for grown ups. And not just in having another adult entertain your kids during reading time. If it weren’t for those tantalizing staircases (nothing particularly grand about them other than being stairs to a toddler) I wouldn’t have left with three books for myself! Up we went to the second floor and I was met with a display of new fiction and books of poetry by women of color for Poetry Month. I was like an Asian kid in an Asian Market. The three books I cam home with:

  5. My therapist brought up The Artist's Way in my last session. I decided to start the workbook over. I first read it in 2016 and finished up through the eleventh chapter. My creativity was on point in the first half of that year. I intend to complete it this time. I need a refresh on my creativity.

What discoveries did you make this week? Let me know in the comments as well as what your favorite tea is. I wish you a happy restful weekend!

Today's Friday Ramblings include color choices, a break down of this outfit, coffee, &  new reads on The Riza Magazine.

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Victoria-Riza is a illustrator and artist, and blogs on The Riza Magazine

7 Ways to be Resourceful


Friday Ramblings and a Casual OOTD