Making it Sustainable | Daisy of The Fixx Collective

I’m so excited to introduce you to Daisy Chen Hutton! We’ve are approaching one year of working together and you can expect more from this duo cause we’re just two Asian-American mommas trying to change the fashion industry! Daisy (she/her) is a mom to two perfectly imperfect kids who are part of her everyday inspiration to do better. She loves fashion, food, fitness, and fun. 80's karaoke is her jam and she hopes to be reborn into her next life as a hip hop dancer. Scroll below to get learn about The Fixx Collective and how to start your sustainable fashion journey. Hint hint, it starts with what you already have!

Making It Sustainable with Daisy Chen Hutton of The Fixx Collective on The Riza Magazine

1. What inspired you to start The Fixx Collective?

Making It Sustainable with Daisy Chen Hutton of The Fixx Collective on The Riza Magazine

I had worked in the corporate fashion industry for over a decade and loved my experiences as a buyer- analyzing trends, selecting the merchandise for our stores, and revelling in the high of knowing that young women loved the items I selected. Getting best sellers reports was like a drug- knowing that thousands of customers were buying these items and hopefully finding joy in them. Our sole responsibility was to drive sales and to convince these customers to come back and shop as much as possible. But not one time did anyone ever stop to think about what kind of impact all these purchases were having on our environment. When I learned that the fashion industry is the SECOND leading contributor to pollution, I was shocked. I started down the rabbit hole of fashion sustainability and found myself drowning in eco-guilt. But at the same time, I still love fashion. I still believe that it can be an artform and that it has transformative power to uplift us. I then decided that I had to do something. I started The Fixx Collective as a solution for women who love fashion but also want to lessen their impact on the Earth. We want to give you your "Fashion Fixx" while also being part of the "Climate Fixx." We encourage women to buy eco friendly basics as the foundation for their wardrobe and then rent the fashion pieces to rotate in and out as an infusion of trends and colors.

2. How would you describe your style?

Honestly, I am all over the place. Overall, I prefer a strong, edgy vibe and feel a little uncomfortable with things that are too frilly and feminine, which could just be my way of creating a protective outer layer. I'm obsessed with jumpsuits and dropped crotch pants. But I do like to experiment and to have options. Which is why renting makes so much sense to me. I can test out any look without the commitment and without further contributing to the global fashion waste issue. Buyer's remorse is a thing of the past!

3. Sustainable fashion can have a reputation of being all earth tones with a minimalist "living off the grid" vibe. Have you struggled to find sustainable pieces that fit your style?

So true! And it's why we came up with our tagline- an ANTI-BLAND sustainability brand. Because I definitely cannot get by wearing beige hemp for the rest of my life! More power to you if you can, but for me, it truly goes against my belief of fashion design and fashion expression as an art. Many designers are true artists. And no, I do not struggle at all for 3 reasons. One- Renting allows me the ultimate freedom to wear whatever I want to wear! Two- I love shopping second hand. Second hand shopping has completely revolutionized since I was young. Companies like The Real Real, Poshmark, Noishaf Bazaar, etc are amazing resources for finding fashion treasures. And Three- technology is helping us develop new processes and materials to help "FIXX" the issues of the past. Tech is allowing us to create new recycled or biodegradable fabrics, waste reduction processes, improve the supply chains, and everything else. It's by no means perfect, but there are brands who are creating products in completely new ways these days.

4. What advice would you give to those who don't know where to start with having a more sustainable closet?

Start by following us on Instagram! We educate our clients on the harsh environmental truths and then give tips on closet clean outs, sustainable brands, and personal styling! The truth is that no one is 100% perfect in their sustainable fashion journey. The first step starts with awareness, and wearing the clothes we already own. Once we take the leap into being a conscious consumer, each step gets easier and easier.

5. What are your favorite sustainable fashion brands right now?

For everyday wear, I like ETICA. Denim and tees are things we wear everyday but traditionally use a ton of water and cotton. Etica uses more sustainable materials and reduces their use of water, energy, chemicals, etc in these everyday lifestyle pieces. For Accessories, I love Soko. They're a certified B-corp and use mostly recycled brass made by artisans in Kenya for their beautiful jewelry pieces. Definitely nothing bland there! For workout wear, I'm obsessed with Wolven. They're made from recycled plastic and are some of the softest leggings I own and their prints and bras that you can wear 4 different ways are again anything but boring!

You can follow The Fixx Collective on Instagram for tips on how to create a sustainable wardrobe and shop sustainable brands at The Fixx Collective.


Victoria-Riza is a illustrator and artist, and blogs on The Riza Magazine

Spring 2021 Editor’s Note


5 Sustainable Things I’m Obsessed with