
Fall & Evergreen FAshion

Farmer's Market Haul

This morning, after doing yoga, the kids and I headed over to the farmer’s market. We’ve been waiting for good weather to grab some peaches and after three thwarted attempts, we woke up to sunshine and immediately headed out the door lest we miss the opportunity due to another swift summer storm.

Making it Sustainable | Daisy of The Fixx Collective
Fashion, Style Victoria-Riza Fashion, Style Victoria-Riza

Making it Sustainable | Daisy of The Fixx Collective

Earth month is coming to a close so let’s take this moment to talk about sustainable fashion! Meet my friend Daisy Chen Hutton of The Fixx Collective. Daisy’s decade long experience working in the fashion industry as a fashion buyer inspired her to start The Fixx Collective, a clothing rental company, but with some fun and color! Also designer name brands! I’ve been strutting around my house in Phillip Lim! Get to know Daisy here and learn more about how you can start your sustainable fashion journey!

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