
Fall & Evergreen FAshion

Farmer's Market Haul

This morning, after doing yoga, the kids and I headed over to the farmer’s market. We’ve been waiting for good weather to grab some peaches and after three thwarted attempts, we woke up to sunshine and immediately headed out the door lest we miss the opportunity due to another swift summer storm.

Pink Tropical Smoothie Recipe
Food Victoria-Riza Food Victoria-Riza

Pink Tropical Smoothie Recipe

I typically come up with my own smoothies only to use up spinach or other soon-to-wilt veggies or fruits. So to be sharing a smoothie recipe with you is quite unexpected because smoothies of my own making aren’t typically pretty or delicious.

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Thoughts on this Chinese New Year
Culture Victoria-Riza Culture Victoria-Riza

Thoughts on this Chinese New Year

This holiday is a happy time for many Asian families, yet in light of the many incidents of anti-Asian racism that took place in 2020 and most recently the January 28 attack and death of Vicha Ratanapakdee, this Chinese New Year is a heavy realization of the neglect Asian-Americans face.

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10 Thoughts on the Inauguration
Culture Victoria-Riza Culture Victoria-Riza

10 Thoughts on the Inauguration

Yesterday marked one week of having our new POTUS and VP and I’m living for President Biden and Vice President Harris’s lunch buddy post on Instagram. I still enjoy looking back on the inauguration in amazement, excited that we did it ya’ll! Here are my takeaways from this historic inauguration. 

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Get Cozy
Home Victoria-Riza Home Victoria-Riza

Get Cozy

With shut-in-place interrupting me-time for many parents, here’s how I’ve created spaces of coziness in my home to help get back the stillness my creative mind needs!

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Setting Intentions
Life Style Victoria-Riza Life Style Victoria-Riza

Setting Intentions

On the first day of January, I attended a virtual event on destigmatizing wellness and mental health in the Filipino-American community called New Year's Resolusyons. What was most impactful for me was a workshop led by political strategist Holly Lim, who taught how to set intentions instead of having resolutions.

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Winter 2021 Editor's Note
Editor’s Note Victoria-Riza Editor’s Note Victoria-Riza

Winter 2021 Editor's Note

This quarter, I’ll be sharing with you the ways I’m caring for myself as I hunker down for the rest of this bleak season, from simple acts of creating coziness, to taking charge of my mental health. Here’s to a new year where we, in our own way, continue to stride forward.

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