Fall & Evergreen FAshion
Farmer's Market Haul
This morning, after doing yoga, the kids and I headed over to the farmer’s market. We’ve been waiting for good weather to grab some peaches and after three thwarted attempts, we woke up to sunshine and immediately headed out the door lest we miss the opportunity due to another swift summer storm.

A Gentle Resolution
On New Year’s Eve I didn’t dress up, light fire crackers, and participated in conversations that bled into one. I clank wine glasses with sparkling cider, dress in my robe, and I was in bed by 11:49. Jordan and I laugh that we almost made it to midnight. I was tired and I expected I would enter the new year that same very way.

Shameless Ice Cream-aholic
There’s this scene from Netflix’s Working Moms where Anne goes to her freezer to get ice cream for a snack only to find that her stash of frozen creamy sweetness is all gone. “What the hell? Where’s my ice cream?” Her newly hired nanny got rid of it. All of it.